Friday, March 1, 2013


While genetics and lifestyle customs play an essential role in skin health, taking the right food will also aid you to fight acne, minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin tone and supplement the natural beauty of the skin without causing any harm. More over, your skin is the first thing that the world gets to see, that is how you create your first impression, therefore having an attractive and glowing skin should be your ultimate goal.
Now, there are several ways to achieve a good looking and charming skin.Eating the right food is one of them.

Hence after doing lots of research i decided to produce some interesting facts about certain foods that will help us understand there benefits, uses and how they work on our skin. 

I will be posting articles under the title "WONDER FOODS" and i truly hope all these articles will be informative and beneficial for all of us in some or the other way.

Here is my first "WONDER FOOD"


1) Almond are said to be the most nutritional nuts of all. 
2) They have zero cholesterol and are very low in saturated fats.
3) Contains nutrients - Calcium and Magnesium for strong bones.
                              Phosphorous for teeth.
                              Vitamin E in the form of alpha-tocopherol for skin,hair &

                              may prevent cancer.                    
                              Vitamin B6 , B12 Folic acid and other vital nutrients. 

 4) This little nut is loaded with Phytochemicals, mineral and several Vitamins.
 5)  Sharpens memory.
 6)  Reduces heart attack risk.                             


  • Almond oil face mask-
This mask is highly moisturizing and helps in minimizing fine lines and wrinkles. The benefit of utilizing almond oil is it gets absorbed into the skin thus making it extremely soft and supple.
Mix almond oil with lemon juice and honey apply on your face and neck and leave it for 30 Min's. Rinse and pat dry. Use this mask once a week.

  • Almond oil hair conditioner-
Apply almond oil directly to the scalp and massage in small circular motion leave it for about 30-40 mins and wash your hair. Doing so will make your super soft, bouncy and shiny most importantly your hair will look healthy. Deep condition your hair with almond oil every alternate day.
  • Almond exfoliation scrub-
Soak few almond in water for some time then grind them with rose water or milk and use it as a scrub this will remove oil, dirt, impurities and improve skin's texture imparting a healthy glow.
  • Almond mask for skin whitening-
1. Grind almonds until powdered store in refrigerator, take a spoon of almond powder and enough milk to make a paste apply on face and neck leaving it for 20 Min's.  Rinse and pat dry. Do this twice in a week before going to bed. This mask with improve complexion within few days.
2. Soak 4-5 almonds and 4-5 strands of saffron in milk early in the morning then before going to bed at night  peel almonds and make a fine paste using the same milk and saffron. Now, apply this paste on face and neck leave it overnight and wash in morning. Use this paste everyday for about 15 days and you will definitely observe difference. 
  • Almond oil for dark circles and wrinkles-
Apply little almond oil under eyes before going to bed and wash it in the morning. Doing so will lighten dark circles and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Do this regularly for best results.
  • To make hair strong and long-
Eat a serving of almonds ( 24 almonds) everyday and apply almond oil 3 times in a week this stop hair fall, promote hair growth and make hair strong and healthy.

Eating raw almonds and using almond oil is very beneficial for your body, skin , hair and nails.There are uncountable benefits of Almonds so try eating almonds everyday to look and feel good.

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